judge: And the answer came from within
ALICE: No one has all the answers.
judge: :o
ALICE: Next question?
judge: where is the stratosphere?
ALICE: The stratosphere? Where is it?
judge: The stratosphere is between Eight and Thirty-One Miles above the Earth's Surface.
ALICE: What specifically brings between Eight and Thirty One Miles above the Earth s Surface to mind?
judge: I'm in that before I'm into space!
ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in that before you are into space.
judge: It's far out.
ALICE: You're kidding. it is?
judge: It'll take some time.
ALICE: I have to think about that for a while.
judge: My age has some bearing on my position in life. I May have to change that.
ALICE: Have you told many people that your age has some bearing on your position in life? Congratulations.
judge: I can do a lot more to get on TV.
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people.
judge: I'm listening to XXXXXX and XXXXX.
ALICE: I've never heard it before. What is XXXX like? Good gossip: you are XXXXXX.
judge: She is very ****-hearted.
ALICE: hearted is she?
judge: Not to Xavier.
ALICE: Oh I get it.
judge: Only if I let you.
ALICE: Try it.
judge: Maybe I could not actually be there.
ALICE: Could anyone do it?
judge: Yes, with the right training.
ALICE: Groovy.. That sounds like a plan.
judge: I didn't ask XXXX though, if that's worth anything.
ALICE: What did you ask?
judge: Do you think I am reincarnated?
ALICE: I think a lot of people are.
judge: I am not.
ALICE: What are you then?
judge: I'm me.
ALICE: That is a tautology.
judge: Cheers to agape love.
ALICE: What do you do in your spare time?
judge: I don't have any spare time.
ALICE: Do you have another appointment?
judge: I do.
ALICE: I had better let you go then.
judge: I will 'talk' to you later.
ALICE: See you later.
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